Tuesday, March 30, 2010

vegetarian food

Hi guys,

When we went China, Ellyse from Tripadviser was kind enough to translate this to chinese for us. I was wondering if anyone here can translate it to korean.

Heading (underlined and bold): I am vegetarian

1st line: I do not eat pork, chicken, duck, goose, beef, mutton/lamb

2nd line: I do not eat frog, yak, dog

3rd line: I do not eat ham, offal (animal organs), any meat-related products

4th line: I do not eat any soup with any meat, fish, seafood flavours

5th line: I do not eat fish, prawn/shrimp, crab, any seafood

6th line: I do not eat any kind of eggs, chicken/duck/quail eggs, salted eggs, century eggs

I hope someone can help.

Thank you.

vegetarian food

Welcome to forum,

Good luck finding vegan meals in Korea. Although Koreans eat lot more vegetables than westerners, they usually mix meat or seafood stock/sauce with vegetables. There are a few Buddhist style restaurants — most famous one is ';San chon'; at Insa-dong — where you will be able to enjoy total vegan meals.

Here are my translation, I deleted out few words that you wouldn%26#39;t be needed since Korean usually don%26#39;t eat goose, frog, yak. salted eggs or century eggs.

저는 채식주의자 입니다 (I am vegetarian)

저는 돼지고기, 닭고기, 오리고기, 소고기, 양고기를 먹지 않습니다. (I do not eat pork, chicken, duck, beef, mutton/lamb)

저는 개고기를 먹지 않습니다. (I do not eat dog — Most of Koreans wouldn%26#39;t even suggest this dish to foreigners. Be very careful to bring this subject since many Koreans can be sensitive from harsh criticisms from westerners in the past.)

저는 햄, 소세지, 내장등 어뗜 육류식품도 먹지 않습니다. (I do not eat ham, sausage, offal (animal organs), any meat-related products.)

저는 고기, 생선, 해물 육수로 만든 국이나, 찌개, 탕 등을 먹지 않습니다. (I do not eat any soup, stews with any meat, fish, seafood flavors )

저는 생선, 새우, 게 등 모든 해물을 먹지 않습니다. (I do not eat fish, prawn/shrimp, crab, any seafood.)

저는 어떤 종류의 알, 즉 계란/거위알/메추리알/생선알을 먹지 않습니다. (I do not eat any kind of eggs, chicken/duck/quail/fish eggs.)

vegetarian food

Hi Blee246,

Thank you very very very much for the translation.I am really looking forward to our trip.


I strongly recommend a restaurant called ';Chaegundaam';, which is near Samseong station (close to COEX).

I can give you directions if you like: their website is only in Hangul.

Buddhist veggie food: ';www.chaegundaam.com';

Very nice people who actually speak excelent Englsih

02 5559173, 9174

I am not vegie.. So I didn%26#39;t know any vegie restaurant in Seoul. I found the list of vegie restaurants. It is written in Korean but you print it before you come to Korea.

List of Korean vegie restaurants


SM 채식뷔페

서울특별시 강남구 개포동 1229-10

전화:02-576-9637 / 02-576-9638


서울특별시 종로구 관훈동 59

전화: 02-735-7171

오세계향 채식뷔페

02-453-2112 // 사형사저님(동수님) \10000

서울 광진구 구의 2동 53-10번지


서울특별시 강남구 개포동 1230-5 식권(10장)=\35000원(기본식사)

전화: 02-577-4012



서울시 동대문구 숭인동 76-85




동국대입구역 2번출구 태극당 뒷편 건물(사찰) 지하2층

서울특별시 중구 장충동2가 188-6 불광산사 (지하)




서울 종로구 화동 87-1 정독도서관 우회전하여 골목으로 150m 안쪽

뉴스타트 채식 레스토랑 뷔페



서울 특별시 강남구 대치동 897-13 남곡빌딩 2층


산골채식건강식당 뷔페

02-978-9006, 02-977-7437

서울특별시 중랑구 묵2동 238-12

7호선 먹골전철역 6번 출구



서울특별시 종로구 관훈동 14



서울시 영등포구 신길동 223-17


(02) 555-9173

주소 서울 강남구 대치동 983 일동빌딩 별관 사찰음식



서울특별시 동대문구 휘경2동 276-57

신동양 중화 요리 식당

02-782-1754 (중화요리, 채식으로 따로 주문)

5호선 전철 여의도역 5번 출구 여의도 종합 상가 건물5층


02-2215-6636 (중화요리, 채식으로 따로 주문)

서울시 동대문구 휘경2동 255-19


스티키핑거스 www.stickyfingers.co.kr

우유, 계란, 버터 등 일체의 동물성 재료를 쓰지 않음

채식 콩아이스크림

퓨얼리 데카던트 www.decadent.co.kr

우유, 계란, 버터 등 일체의 동물성 재료를 쓰지 않음

Above Information from : www.suprememastertv.com/kr/bbs/board.php…

i%26#39;m a vegetarian living in Japan and found Korea paradise compared to Japan!

We found so many vegetarian restaurants in Seoul. There was a great one in Insadong, I forget the name, but it%26#39;s listed on happycow.com

The owner is a herbologist and speaks fluent english.

I found Korean restauranteurs so much more accommodating than their Japanese counterparts. I only can speak a smattering of Korean but they understood my requests so much easier than when I try to get the same result in fluent Japanese!

If in a pinch, meat-free bibimbap always works!

Here is one more website concerning about vegetarian restaurants.


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